Exercises always keep us fit and healthy. It helps to strengthen our heart muscles, maintains a healthy weight, lowers cholesterol, and keeps blood sugar levels and blood pressure in check. Including exercises as part of our daily routine regimen prevents the risk of heart attack and stroke. We all know that there are many different types of exercises like aerobic (or endurance), strengthening, balance, and flexibility each with different varied functions to boost heart health, cognitive health, and to improve bones and muscle strength. Below are 6 Best strength training exercises to reduce cardiovascular risk.
Yes! To boost and lift your heart health, try doing a strength-training exercise. Individuals with heavier body weight and have more body fat; strength-training exercises are best to carry out as it helps to shed extra fats from the body and provides us with a leaner muscle mass. Even in your busy schedule do try to include a few exercises or do at least three variations of strength-training exercise each, with a 1-minute duration of 5 days a week.
Why strength training exercise is best for the heart?
When you hit the gym, the little iron dumbbells can strengthen the heart more than the other types of exercises. When you do exercise it increases the blood flow throughout the body and also it increases the oxygen supply to the brain, keeping it active and healthy. If you are not interested to jog, running, or hate summing pool, then fret not! Just spend all-time in the gym with a few weightlifting equipment’s like dumbbells and barbells. This is also a perfect way to strengthen your heart muscles.
What health benefits does strength training exercise offer to us?
The following are a few benefits that you gain from strength training exercises:
- It improves blood circulation.
- It lowers the probability of heart attack and stroke.
- It improves the quality of sleep; thereby the risks of stress, irritability, and other illnesses can be kept at bay. But, if you are suffering from insomnia, restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea, then speak to the doctor immediately as untreated sleep issues can bring accidental injury and many other chronic health issues. Your doctor may check your sleep history and symptoms, based on which he or she may suggest a neurologist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. If medicines are prescribed order them from a trusted online drugstore and get them delivered at your doorstep.
- It cuts down belly fat. The continuous weight lifting helps to shed extra fat from the body and provides us with lean mass. This reduces the risk of any cardiovascular disease and stroke.
- It protects bone health and hence prevents osteoporosis as the weight-lifting exercise strengthens muscles and bones.
- It improves mental health.
- It boosts mobility and flexibility in both men and women.
- It improves elevated body image and ostensible physical appearance.
- It lowers back pain.
- It reduces arthritis pain.
- It improves boost brain health. Apart from exercise, there are many Ayurvedic medicines and herbs available in the market to power up your brain. Buy ayurvedic products from the best online pharmacy store in India and get amazing medicine discount on every order.
What is the best strength training exercise you can add to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease?
Devote yourself and keep your workouts as simple as possible for a healthy heart. Here, are a few exercises that you can include to protect yourself from a heart attack and stroke:
- Walking- Speed walking is a great way to strengthen the heart muscles this is because it helps to improve your blood circulation, increases heart rate and keeps the joints free from pain. All you need to have is a good supportive shoe and just taking a small walk a day or a weakened long walking is a perfect way to strengthen your heart.
- High-intensity interval training – It elevates the heart rate and helps to burn your calories.
- Climbing the stairs- It improves heart health to a maximum than any other type of exercise.
- Cycling- Cycling boosts heart health, but takes care of the seats and pedals to avoid injury while cycling.
- Elliptical machines- Elliptical takes care of both upper and lower body workout at the same time.
- Lifting weights- studies suggest that lifting weights helps to protect individuals from a heart attack and stroke.
Upon the different types of exercise habits, strength-training exercises are slightly on the upper level than other types of exercises in terms of reducing cardiovascular disease. Many factors like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and abnormal lipid levels will be taken care of as it can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Encourage yourself to do more strength training exercises as it helps to improve blood flow and allows to keep the heart-healthy. Finally, strength training is not just for your muscles, but it is good for your heart!