Choosing the best tennis rackets for you can be a confusing and intimidating task, especially if you’re a beginner. Are you buying your first tennis racket, but you’re not quite sure where to start, then this article is perfect for you.
We will talk about the factors you should consider, as it will be an investment that can either make or break your game. Read on to find out the things you need to take into account before making your purchase.
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What do you need from a tennis racket?
This is the first question you should ask yourself. Do you want to play tennis casually, or are you looking to get into more professional leagues?
While it will be nice to find a racket that will fit your distinct style, you should prioritize function first. Otherwise, you might find yourself with a pretty racket that may be too heavy.
Consider your body size and strength.
A tennis racket is not a one-size-fits-all piece of equipment that you can grab and go anywhere. What is perfect for some may be too heavy or too light for you.
There are certain types of rackets built for people of a specific size, stature, and strength. If you’re naturally strong, you may need a tennis racket that will offer you more control without being too heavy.
Generally, the wider the frame of the racket is, the more power it can give you. We recommend watching a few professional matches first. If you notice, professional athletes do not use rackets that are very wide. This is due to the fact that they are skilled and powerful. Thus they don’t need assistance from a racket.
Now, you may be wondering: how can you tell if a tennis racket is wide or narrow? The width of a racket is measured through the gap in between the handle and the head of the racket. It is called the “throat” of the frame.
The throat may seem like a minor feature, but it can significantly impact the ball when you hit it. A wide frame gives you more power, while a narrow frame will give you less.
Find out what type of swing you have.
Swings are classified into three: slow, average, or fast. You can talk to a player or professional, as they will be able to tell which one you have at first look.
Having a fast swing means that you will be able to give you more power. In this case, you should opt for a less powerful racket, as your fast swing will compensate for the power. If you have a quick swing, opt for a narrow frame that will give you better control over the racket.
What kind of play do you have?
Think about whether you like to play aggressively or defensively. Your playing style factors into the right tennis racket for you!
For aggressive players, we recommend a more powerful racket or one with a broader frame. This will allow you to hit the ball harder.
On the other hand, defensive players will benefit from a lighter or narrow frame racket. A more lightweight racket will allow you to control the pace of the ball, as well as make you light on your feet.
These three considerations are to get you started with your first-ever tennis racket. It will be best to get hands-on experience to know which one fits you and allows you to play better. Don’t rush your purchase, and take your time.
The cost of a tennis racket
When buying your first tennis racket, it is of course also important to look at the price.
Now that you know what kind of racket you need through the tips above, you need to start deciding what brand and model to buy. And this is not so easy, because there are different types of each model, and they can differ in price.
It is advisable to buy a racket that suits your needs. So if you are serious about tennis and want to play several times a week, you should buy a better and more expensive racket.
If you plan to play tennis only once a week, choose a slightly cheaper racket. If you start taking tennis more seriously and playing more often, you can always make the step up to a more expensive and better racket.
To help you make the right choice, this website has prepared a helpful article explaining how much a tennis racket costs.
Do you have any other tips for buying a tennis racket? Let us know in the comments!