Stephen Jackson the former American basketball player has got into a new controversy. The response that he made on Desean Jackson’s anti-semitic post made him a controversial figure. Desean Jackson the American footballer on the 4th of July posted anti-semitic content on Instagram. which was attributed to Adolf Hitler. In response to his Instagram post, Stephen Jackson supported that Desean was right. Also, Stephen said that he is “speaking the truth”. Stephen Jackson also added that Desean was trying to educate others by telling the truth. “Your race pain doesn’t hurt more than the next races pain” was his other response. This reaction to the Desean post created controversy.
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Controversy Details
Stephen Jackson, who received international media attention for his fiery speech on the custodial death of George Floyd. It had created an excellent social reputation among people. The statement he made in response to Desean’s post negatively impacted his social image. Soon after Stephen’s response, many criticisms came up.
Clarification Given
Considering many criticisms and the controversy created. Stephen Jackson apologized for defending the Desean Jackson Instagram post. He apologized for not using the right word as in response. Stephen clarified that he didn’t support any of the content in Desean’s Instagram post. But instead shared his views. ‘There’s nothing that I said that I hate anybody. I apologize for my words, and I could have switched up, but that’s the end of it”,.-Stephen added.
He admitted that he would have been more clear before responding to the post. The response has created misinterpretations and led to people’s criticisms. On the other hand, he added that his word doesn’t intend to defend Hitler or any other post. Other than this apology given in an interview, Stephen made an open apology on Instagram.

In the post, he says that he takes full responsibility and will stand for all and continue to. Stephen made a special mention to his Jewish friends, those who supported and stood up for him. He also added that it has his mistake not making it clear on what he agreed. At the end of his post, he added that the black people who knew him would understand that he will never speak anything to demean any race.” Love for all who have a love for all” was the mainline caption of his Instagram post.
By now, Stephen Jackson had made many open apologies for his response to Desean’s post. Indeed these apologies or explanations were essential to stop the rising criticisms and controversy.Desean Jackson had also made an open apology. He stated that his post gets misinterpreted. Also, Desean said that it is a mistake in the content posted. He added that we should together fight against antisemitism and racism.
Considering the present situation and many racial discriminations happening worldwide, it is quite evident that Desean Jackson‘s post became controversial. And most importantly, comments and response over such posts without clarity can lead to controversies. That’s what happen to Stephen Jackson. Especially when a person is famous and involves social activism, it is essential to make clear statements.However, by giving clarity in his comments and by making open apologies, Stephen Jackson had made his side clear from this controversy.
1. Who is he?
A. He is a Former NBA player activist.
2. What teams?
A. Suns, Pacers, Hawks, Celtics.
3. When did he play?
A. He played from 1999 to 2009.
4. What is he known for?
A. He is known for Social justice advocacy.
5. Any nicknames of Stephen Jackson?
A. Captain Jack.