Many plan to go in for start practising sports, but never start doing it. Someone lacks motivation, and someone is constantly putting aside or looking for an excuse that he does not have time and money, and indeed he does not know what kind of sport to do.
Joint gymnastics
The set of exercises is suitable for people of any age and level of physical fitness. It contributes to the overall strengthening of the body, the study of joints, improves muscle tone.
Joint gymnastics will not help to lose weight, build muscle, or increase stamina. However, people who are accustomed to high physical exertion can use it as a workout. This helps to avoid injuries, according to statistics researched by the professional paper editing service and their exclusive essay editor Melisa Marzett.
Joint gymnastics is convenient for those who work a lot in the office. It can be done at lunchtime or at home, it does not require special training and adaptations. Most exercises are done intuitively. The main thing is to approach the process consciously and do everything smoothly. You can do it without the supervision of a coach, the techniques are easy to find on the Internet.
5 tips for beginners
- Do exercises with pleasure.
- Do gymnastics regularly, at least 5-10 minutes a day.
- Everything should be in moderation: you do for yourself and to raise your vitality.
- Drink enough water: 30 milliliters per 1 kilogram of your weight. Tea and coffee do not count.
- Eat correctly: eat half a kilogram of fruit and vegetables a day, refuse soda water, semi-finished foods, and fast food.
- This general dentist in Harrisburg also highly recommends getting custom mouthguards instead of off-the-shelf ones. This will ensure that it perfectly fits your teeth for maximum protection from impact.
The Pilates system allows you to relieve stress from tense muscles and engage weak or inactive muscles. Pilates also helps develop strength, flexibility, and coordination. The basis of training is a special type of breathing that activates the metabolism, helps cleanse the body, and strengthens the respiratory system.
Many people do not understand the difference between yoga and pilates. Pilates exercises are really similar to asanas but performed in a different technique.
This is one of the best options for starting a fitness session. Entry-level exercises are absolutely safe and have virtually no contraindications. During training, special equipment is used that helps to work out the muscles without an axial load on the spine and joints. The special form of the simulators helps to stretch the spine, smoothes the body, and forms muscle memory. There are options for those who can not engage in the gym: mat pilates is suitable for independent studies at home, on vacation, or on a trip.
As a result of training, posture improves, the muscles of the whole body are in good form, joint mobility, balance, and coordination of movements are improved. Pilates helps to work out the deep muscles of the abdomen and muscle stabilizers, which are difficult to use in the usual types of fitness. In intermediate and advanced classes, you can lose up to 300 calories. Exercise helps to normalize metabolism, which also contributes to weight loss. In addition, the muscles become more prominent, and the body – taut and slim.
5 tips for beginners
- Begin classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer. The productivity and result of your further studies depend on the quality of the foundation.
- At the initial stage, the most effective will be classes on the “reformer”. The design of the simulator allows you to build the correct position of the body, exercises distribute the load evenly. Training will be effective for both beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts.
- The optimal number of classes at the initial stage is 2-3 per week, the main thing is that the training is systematic, then the results will be soon.
- Before starting classes, determine for yourself what you want to achieve with pilates. Talk with your trainer about how many activities you will need. Having a goal, it is easier to “get involved” in training and maintain systematic classes.
- Training should be not only good but also fun. If you do not feel a surge of strength after class, then the load was too strong or too weak. Find the right intensity for your classes.
Unlike many other pair dances, social does not need a permanent partner and this is an improvisation dance. Everything is based on interaction and mutual understanding. However, there are special techniques in such dances: the main thing is the partner, he leads the partner, and she adjusts her movements to him.
One of the most popular types of social dance is salsa. Many people think that this type of dance originated in Cuba, but it is not. This style was invented by immigrants from Latin America in New York in 1960-1970. Salsa can dance people of any age, the most popular among people 25-40 years old. Salsa helps to relax and improve relationships with members of the opposite sex.
Another type of social dance bachata, which arose in the Dominican Republic. This type of dance has a single rhythmic pattern and an almost unchanging set of movements. The main goal is close contact with a partner, so there are few turns in such a dance, partners at a very close distance from each other. Both bachata and salsa develop plasticity and grace.
Group dances affect the improvement of the psychological state, raise the mood, and improve memory. Dancing also contributes to weight loss. Classes usually go on average an hour without a break and serve as good cardio training.
5 tips for beginners
- Just do it and come to class. Many often don’t cover the dancing class because they think too much whether they need it or not, or they are shy.
- Do not be afraid if something does not work out. Not everyone can master the movements from the first weeks.
- Do not compare yourself with others. If someone is doing better, do not get upset because of this. Consider your peculiarities.
- Try different dance styles to find one that suits you. Dancing is different in pace, music, and costumes – all this greatly affects the spirit and mood.
- You need to enjoy dancing. Do not ask too many questions – because of this, the learning process is often ineffective, just do it. And, of course, do not forget to practice movement at home.
The practice of yoga consists of a combination of several elements: adherence to moral principles, physical activity, work with breathing, and consciousness. Yoga can be practiced by people of any age, regardless of the level of physical fitness, but you need to choose the right direction.
Ashtanga Vinyasa is a dynamic practice that will help you lose weight and remove toxins. On average, 400-500 calories are consumed per hour of classes. Such yoga requires endurance and patience, so it is not suitable for everyone.
Hatha Yoga develops flexibility, helps maintain healthy joints and spine. The correct sequence of asanas is important here because each exercise affects a specific part of the body. Also, when performing exercises, it is necessary to monitor breathing and concentration.
Aero yoga, or, in other words, fly-yoga, consists of dance movements. Practice takes place on a hammock. Exercises contribute to the training of the vestibular apparatus, help correct posture, and develop plasticity. It is also believed that such yoga rejuvenates.
Yoga for children is like a game and helps the child recover from the school day and get rid of aggression.
Yoga classes help to normalize blood flow, musculoskeletal system, joints. Yoga stretches the spine, strengthens the muscular corset, and improves posture.
5 tips for beginners
- Try different directions and look for “your” teacher, it is also useful to read books and articles about the type of yoga that you want to do.
- Yoga lessons at the fitness club from those held in special centers. If you want real yoga, it is better to go to the center.
- If you want to save time, you can do yoga in the office: trainers conduct classes early in the morning, at lunchtime, or after the end of the working day.
- The main thing when doing yoga is consistency and gradualness. Listen to your body and do not compare yourself with others.
- Remember that different asanas have different purposes: some give a burst of energy, others give peace.
Calorie consumption depends on the intensity of your workouts. In one hour lesson, you can burn up to 800 calories.
Often children who are offended at school are brought to boxing. Classes help to become more confident and learn to concentrate.
Many people come to classes to throw out the negative.
Boxing is a traumatic sport and is not suitable for people who have injuries to the head, diseases of the brain, eyes, or nervous system. Fitbox is now more popular – group intensive training, consisting of punches and kicks on a punching bag. It does not imply mandatory participation in competitions and is aimed at improving physical fitness.
5 tips for beginners
- Boxing is important for personal growth. Your inner strength helps expand your physical abilities.
- If in class you were paired with an experienced fighter – do not worry. Such a fight is safer than between two newcomers.
- To avoid large bruises and facial injuries, knead it before training.
- To reduce the risk of damage to the hands, bandage, or tape your hands. The tape is an adhesive tape for fixing and supporting joints.
- Do not give up if something does not work out.
There are several types of aerobics: dance, step aerobics, water aerobics, fitball aerobics. This type of training is suitable for everyone. The main thing is to correlate the level of your physical fitness with the result that you want to get.
Dance aerobics develops flexibility, plasticity, improves posture. It improves mood and gives a large charge of energy.
Step aerobics is suitable for those who want to lose weight and make the figure more prominent. Exercises are performed on a step platform, strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
Aqua aerobics exercises are performed in water. Classes help speed up the metabolism, increase muscle tone, and are the prevention of premature aging.
Classes on fitball are suitable for pregnant women, the elderly, and people with a curved spine. Aerobics on the fitball improves blood circulation in the intervertebral discs and the muscles that support them, develops joint mobility, coordination of movements, and normalizes the vestibular apparatus.
5 tips for beginners
- Try different types of aerobics to figure out which one is right for you.
- Gradually increase the load. To start, two classes per week are enough, when the body adapts, you can train more often.
- If you decide to do water aerobics, buy non-slip shoes so as not to fall after classes.
- Do not be shy. Many beginners are afraid that against the background of smart people they will look ridiculous. But other people care about their own state of health and physical fitness, hardly anyone specifically looks at you.
- Smile more often during classes: a good mood relieves fatigue.
CrossFit suits everyone. Many believe that it can cause heart problems, but only illiterate training with an inexperienced trainer can harm your health.
The advantage of CrossFit in diversity: exercises do not repeat from time to time. Basically, in the classroom, work is underway with its own weight and weighting materials. Speed ropes, special cabinets, weights, rods, horizontal bars, and ropes can be used.
CrossFit is suitable for those who want to lose weight. How many calories you burn in one lesson depends on the program, some complexes help you spend up to 1000 calories.
CrossFit develops stamina, strength, and coordination.
5 tips for beginners
- Before training, go through a medical examination to have an idea of your health status.
- Decide what you want to do CrossFit for.
- Crossfit has its own terminology to understand what it is about, look at the dictionary on the official Crossfit website.
- Choose the right club and coach. Check out the program, read reviews on the Internet, go for a trial lesson.
- Do not deviate from the goal, do not stop training halfway.