Hafthor Bjornsson or ‘The Mountain’ from game thrones recently broke the world record for the world’s heaviest deadlift. This record was previously held by Eddie Hall. The one-minute video where he broke the record was posted on his YouTube Channel. It quickly broke the internet and became a trending video. Hafthor Bjornsson from Iceland lifted 1104 pounds or 501 kilograms to break the record for the world’s heaviest deadlift. CoreSports offered him a 7-year contract post this and Hafthor Bjornsson has signed it already. After breaking the record, he immediately called out Eddie Hall and challenged him in the ring. Subsequently, Eddie Hall accepts Thor’s boxing challenge and they’ll now go head to head in the ring.
Hafthor Bjornsson claimed that Eddie had been talking a lot for weeks. Then he proclaimed that he had knocked out Eddie’s record. Now he wanted to knock Eddie out in the ring. He said he knew that Eddie got the same deal from CoreSports. He asked Eddie to stop talking so much, sign the contract and meet him in the ring. Eddie Hall accepts Thor’s boxing challenge and said that he is 1000 percent going to sign those papers. Eddie holds a grudge against Thor because Thor called him a cheat in World’s Strongest Man 2017 competition.
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The Response
Eddie Hall put out a video on IGTV proclaiming that he will be signing the deal fighting Thor in the ring. Here’s what he said:
Eddie said that he will sign the papers, not for the money or his feud with Thor. He said that he will sign it because Thor called him a cheat during The World’s Strongest Man competition in 2017. Eddie said that Thor never apologized for it and he couldn’t forget about it. Even though people may have forgotten, Eddie still remembers and holds a grudge. Thor had proclaimed that he deserved to win that competition that year but he didn’t because Eddie cheated. Eddie also said that he wanted to rip Thor’s head off.
Eddie also said that he wanted to teach Thor a lesson by knocking him out in the ring. He said that he didn’t care that Thor was 6ft 9in or that Thor was a giant. Eddie said that he is going to train and prepare the hardest so that he can step in the ring and rip Thor’s head off. Then he urged Thor to get some training since he will be going up against Eddie in the ring.
Final Thoughts
Boxing fans all over the world are excited about this match. Not just boxing fans, but bodybuilding and sports fans are equally eager to see how this goes. Two of the strongest men in the world will go at each other in a ring for a boxing match. Their personal feud just adds to the narrative and makes it more interesting. For Eddie, it is a chance to prove a point. For Thor, it’s a chance to prove that he is indeed the strongest. This match is sure to be interesting and it is going to glue in a lot of viewers.