If you’ve ever hired a sex escort, chances are that you haven’t heard of all the other services provided by escorts that are just as satisfying. Most people tend to believe that escorts specialize only in providing sexual services and hire them only when they desire sex.  

While sex is a major part of what an escort is trained in, there is a plethora of other services escorts provide that you might not have heard of. Unlike prostitutes, escorts are paid for the quality of time they spend with their clients. This post discusses some of the other benefits of hiring an escort, apart from just sex. Keep reading ahead to know more. 

The Ultimate Girlfriend Experience  

Is it the first time you’ve heard of an escort providing relationship benefits? Well, surprising as it is, escorts are highly trained in two areas, the two being sex and relationships. If you are craving the intimacy and warmth of a relationship but aren’t ready to commit just yet, this would be just the perfect thing for you. True Sex Stories  

Therefore, if you are seeking longevity with your escort, consider hiring them for this purpose. Apart from just being your companion, you will also learn to become a better partner for your actual relationships in the future. An escort will provide you with the emotional intimacy you need, along with steamy and fiery sex whenever you wish for it.  

To Provide You Companionship  

If you are neither seeking sex, nor do you want to date, but want a woman to vent out your feelings to, escort agencies might be just the right place for you. An escort is a professional who will listen to you, anytime you want them to.  

This can be highly beneficial for men who do not have anyone to talk to in their life. Every meeting with an escort is extremely confidential and professional, so you do not have to worry about your secrets getting out.  

All Babylon Escorts are extremely trustworthy and reputed and keep all their clients’ information private. Moreover, an escort is a stranger, so you do not have to feel ashamed or embarrassed while being vulnerable to them. All in all, they’re the perfect people for this job.  

To Take Out on Social Dates 

Often, you get invited to social events but don’t want to attend them alone. Moreover, finding an actual date just for a night can be exhausting and strange. This is when hiring an escort can be of help. Whether it is a family dinner or just a hangout with your friends, you can always hire an escort for the night to keep a good impression in front of your family and friends.  

Since escorts are professionals, they will make sure that you have a great time on the date. They graciously present themselves and are sure to impress everyone present at the social event with their social skills. This will in turn help you and will make your peers like you even more need to know about mumbai call girl. 

For Work Meetings and Dates  

Escorts aren’t only the perfect choice for social events. If your boss is having a work party or a hangout, consider hiring an escort to accompany you. They will make sure that you get a good reputation in front of your boss, and that you have a great evening at the same time. Moreover, they’re the perfect women to show off in front of your colleagues, since they’re so attractive and elegant. 

Therefore, if you’re currently single, hiring an escort for business parties wouldn’t be such a bad idea, considering their whole job revolves around being charismatic and presentable. They’re easy to hire and are flexible with their schedules.  

You Can Hire Them for Trips 

If you want more than just a night with an escort, surprisingly, you can even hire them for a longer duration, for days and even weeks. While that would cost you a lot, you can take out escorts for trips or holidays you’ve been planning for ages but do not want to go alone. 

Escorts will give you great company throughout your holiday and will help you enjoy your vacation to the fullest. You will receive a high level of professionalism, and quality time with the sexiest woman, and would not have to worry about feeling lonely at any point during the vacation.  

Moreover, at agencies like ladys.one, you can find escorts of all types, of any race, and any other physical features that you would like your escort to have. With that, you are bound to have the time of your life on your holiday.  


By the above points, it is clear that escorts are much more flexible with their services than you would’ve thought. You can take them out anywhere, and you are sure to make a great first impression. To book an escort, head over to the Ladys.one website and find an escort you would like to take out on your next date!