The impact of coronavirus pandemic has majorly hit sports with several event cancellations. Along with many other sports events, the NCAA Division II also stands canceled for 2020. The decision was taken on August 5. The authorities stated challenges in terms of operation, logistics, and finances, which forced them to stop the event amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
The council came to an agreement after NCAA Board of Governors asked every division to take a decision. The Board of Governors directed every division to meet the requirements for fall competition.
The directive needed all the members of the institution to apply resocialization principles for fall sports. Also, they were to set a 50% sponsorship threshold for the championship along with other requirements of the championship.
Agreement by NCAA Board to cancel fall 2020 championship
As of August 5, 11 out of 23 Division II conferences announced that they won’t compete during the fall. Division II Presidents Council and Board of Governors of NCAA thinks that it isn’t feasible to conduct the championship. They plan to postpone it until spring and prioritize the health and wellness of the student-athletes.
After long discussions and reviews, the authorities had to make a difficult decision. They canceled the fall event because it is not possible to conduct it in any capacity.
Having the event would not be possible both viably and fiscally for Division II, stated Sandra Jordan, the chair of the council and chancellor of South Carolina Aiken. She said that the discussion was thorough and so the conclusion is assertive. She said that the student-athletes for fall will get eligibility and flexibility in terms of opportunities later. Also, she said that they wish to offer the best championship experiences for winter and spring athletes; who didn’t get the opportunity at the beginning of the pandemic.
As of July 22, it was decided by the Administrative Committee of Division II that the athletes can retain the use of a seasonal competition only if the teams finish 50% or less of sport’s Bylaw. This includes a maximum of 17 contests within the academic year of 2020-21. Moreover, the athletes who would have qualified this season of the competition waiver, or who has their season canceled due to the institution, will get an extension of the 10 semesters or 15 quarters during the academic year of 2020-21.
The Division II schools/conferences can choose to play the part of the regular season in the fall semester if they do follow the necessary requirements stated by the Board of Governors.