Nature is amazing. Nature is the biggest mystery, only a bit of which has been solved. And what makes seas and oceans the biggest mystery of nature? Their unbelievable habitat, flora and fauna. Only a part of the deepest secret of Mother Nature has been revealed to human civilization. There is a lot more to discover in the future. But today, we are going to discuss something new and something very strange from what we call ‘normal’. Today, you are going to get the answer to every child’s most-asked question, ‘Do turtles breathe through their buttholes olaf?’Hey! What are you waiting for? Get ready and dive in. Let’s unearth this secret of turtles.
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Do Turtles Breathe Through Their Buttholes Olaf?
Well, do not get confused right from the beginning. It is hard to believe, but yes, turtles do breathe through their buttholes. It is true that it does not sound ‘normal’ to us, but it is very much ‘normal’ among certain living organisms like turtles. You will also feel ‘normal’ once you get to know the reasons. Read further to know that.
What Turtles Can Breathe Through Their Buttholes Olaf?
You must be wondering if the question, ‘Do turtles breathe through their buttholes olaf?’fits right for every turtle. Scientists are yet to find out the confirmed answers. If some turtles do not need to hibernate in the freezing cold season, they might not use their butts as breathing organs. However, there are some specific turtles who are experts at breathing through their buttholes. Who are they? Let’s find out.
- Pond Sliders
- Japanese Pond Turtles
- North American Eastern Painted Turtle
- Australian Fitzroy River Turtle
Why do Turtles Breathe Through Their Buttholes Olaf?
Now that you know that turtles really do breathe through their buttholes, read some more: why do turtles breathe through their buttholes olaf?
Before you dive deeper, know this amazing fact. Turtles are cold-blooded animals. The speciality of cold-blooded animals is that they can slow down their normal rate of metabolism according to the environment. Turtles cannot lower or increase their body temperature but can regulate it.
Metabolism creates body heat. The animal body inhales oxygen to continue metabolism. So when the turtles slow down their metabolism, they store energy and can keep the required body heat.
But why do turtles breathe through their buttholes olaf?The answer is straightforward, to store energy. The species mentioned above of turtles live in the regions where the winter hits its cold temperature the most. During winter, the oxygen dissolved in the water gradually drops as the temperature goes down. Hence, it becomes difficult for aquatic animals to continue living in their typical habitat in that scarcity of oxygen. So, they go into hibernation.
Hibernation is a process where cold-blooded suddenly slow down their metabolic rate, commonly called ‘winter sleep’. These turtles go into hibernation under the deep ocean water to store excess energy. Hence, the lower the metabolic rate, the lower the need for oxygen.
But do they stop breathing? No, that is impossible for a living body. During hibernation, turtles hide inside the tough covering of their shell. They do not use their mouth to breathe as it remains inside. Moreover, the mouth and the nose inhale more oxygen than they cannot afford in winter. So, they use the opening of their buttholes for the minimal passage of air required for metabolism. The process of breathing through buttholes is called cloacal breathing.
Furthermore, some turtles use their hard shells to protect themselves from external attacks. But these are still their body. The shells act as chemistry sets and build up lactic acid. The turtles then neutralize this acid by releasing calcium bicarbonate. Hence, even though they do not inhale oxygen, the process of breathing never ceases. This is called anaerobic respiration, where the body breaks the glucose and oxygen in it.
How do Turtles Breathe Through Their Buttholes Olaf?
Now come on to the next question, ‘How?’
You must know that, like any other living organism, turtles cannot breathe through their buttholes. Yes, what you just read is correct. But there is a logical explanation for saying ‘yes’ when you asked, ‘Do turtles breathe through their buttholes Olaf?’
If you notice a turtle carefully, you will see that there is an opening at the end of its tail. This small hole is the cloaca of the turtle. Sorry to burst the bubble again, but turtles do not have buttholes like others. Instead, they have a cloaca. The cloaca has two openings- the ventral genital pore (VGP) and the urogenital orifice (UGO). VGP releases the faeces, whereas the UGP releases the urine. These are called bursae together.
But turtles do use their buttholes or the cloaca for respiratory purposes. But how? They do not breathe like us. They have cloacas. A cloaca connects the turtle’s body. It acts as a multipurpose hole to lay eggs and releases excretory matter and even the genital tract along with passing air. Turtles use their bursae to continue breathing when the mouth and nose are closed into the shell.
The oxygen-rich water enters the turtle’s body through that opening. It passes directly to the lungs, diffusing the oxygen into the lungs. Finally, the turtle releases the water carrying carbon dioxide. The bursae contain several blood vessels that help the turtle to carry out the entire process of intaking the required oxygen. It filters the oxygen from the water. The water goes into the cloaca. After respiration, carbon dioxide is released with that water.
It is called ‘cloacal breathing’ when they use their buttholes to breathe. In a funny way, cloacal breathing is sometimes called ‘reverse-farting’, which keeps the turtle alive in winter.
Therefore, if anyone asks, ‘Do turtles breathe through their buttholes Olaf?’ you can say yes. If they want an explanation, you know what to tell them. Again, nature is fantastic, and to understand its twists and turns is beyond our knowledge. We can only explain why it had to make that change.