When it comes to tasty treats, your dogs can always be the first ones to have them the moment they see them. Marshmallows are one such treat that your furry buddies feel attracted to because they are fluffy and sweet. But can dogs eat marshmallows?Can marshmallows get life-threatening for your dogs? Let’s find out.
Dogs are known to be the best friends of humans. As people started exploring this divine bond between dogs and humans, they got more attached to those four-legged friends. For some people, dogs are more than home guards; they are more like their furry children. People get anxious while choosing the right food for their dogs. Although the greedy creatures can hog anything that comes their way, they might very well be watched over as not every food is good for them. Dogs are allergic to so many food items, and some can even be lethal for them. In this article, we will try to answer the most asked question: can dogs eat marshmallows?
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What are Marshmallows?
Marshmallows are soft and fluffy sweet candy that has a spongy texture. Marshmallows are made of gelatin, sugar, corn syrup, and water. This airy, foamy confectionary is popular amongst children as well as for people of all ages. Although it can be eaten as it is, roasted marshmallows over the top of a hot cup of cocoa are equally enjoyed by people.
Marshmallow making is one of the simplest procedures as it requires fewer ingredients and cooking time. However, it is crucial and most difficult to achieve the ideal texture. It must be chewy and not gooey, there must be enough fluff, and it also must not ideally stick to your teeth. No matter how much kids love them for their backyard barbeques or camping, the answer is no when someone asks if can dogs eat marshmallows.
Can Dogs Eat Marshmallows?
If you are planning to introduce your pet to a new treat, first learn if can dogs eat marshmallows. No matter how delicious it may taste, there are no health benefits to feeding your dog these fluffy candies. Most marshmallows are made with sugar, which is absolutely a no-no for your dogs. Not only do they increase the chances of worms, but also your dog may get diabetic and develop heart issues because of too much sugar. Even if your dog is diabetic or has weight-related issues, marshmallows can make the situation worse. As these are high in sugar and calories, these cannot be given to your dogs, not even a bite of it.
Marshmallows are derived from mallow sap combined with sugar. However, it is said that some parts of the mallow plant also have some benefits for humans and other animals, including dogs. One of the main uses of a mallow root is to treat cough and sore throats.
Can dogs eat marshmallows? No. Because marshmallows are high in sugar, they can upset your dog’s extremely delicate digestive system. The excessive sugar content in marshmallows has a negative impact on your dog’s stomach and may cause various gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, acid influx, and vomiting.
Some marshmallows may contain Xylitol, an artificial substitute for sugar. It is an extremely lethal component that should not be given to your dog. Xylitol causes alarmingly low blood sugar, which may induce seizures in dogs. Sometimes, if proper medication does not start immediately, the dog can succumb to death. So, next time someone asks you if can dogs eat marshmallows, you know what to answer.
Nutritional or Health Value?
Marshmallows are undoubtedly delicious to taste, but that does not make them nutritious. You can look at the nutritional facts of marshmallows to determine if can dogs eat marshmallows. The main ingredients of marshmallows are sugar, cornstarch, gelatine, and some flavorings. Some brands use other ingredients to enhance the taste and flavor of these confectionaries. According to facts, in a 100-calorie serving of marshmallows, 97 percent comes from sugar and starch, which is completely unwanted for your dogs. The source of another 3 percent of calories is protein, which is essential for your dog’s health.
Marshmallows could be on the higher side of unhealthy when it comes to your dog. Although treats are necessary to calm your dog and keep them active, they must be chosen based on their health values and their taste. Marshmallows may not be lethal in all cases, but they are definitely not beneficial for the health of your dog.
What Happens if a Dog Eats Marshmallows?
If you ask someone if dogs can eat marshmallows,technically, the answer would be Yes. However, it is completely up to you whether you want to take a risk or not. As discussed above, Xylitol is one ingredient that can be present in a marshmallow packet as a substitute for sugar. Although it may not harm a human, it can be life-threatening for your dog, as they tend to drop blood sugar levels significantly.
Xylitol poisoning does not take much time. It starts immediately after ingestion. So, the first thing you should do after your dog accidentally eats one or more marshmallows is to see the ingredients list. If it does not contain Xylitol, you should have a quick discussion with your vet and ask them for advice. If the marshmallows contain Xylitol, you should immediately take your dog to the nearby emergency room.
Rather than asking if can dogs eat marshmallowsafter they have eaten them,it is always smart to keep an emergency poison control hotline number handy when you have dogs. You never know what they might eat and invite trouble. In the case of xylitol-free marshmallows, your dog may puke several times and develop diarrhea. If that condition persists, give a call to your veterinarian.
Can Marshmallows be Harmful?
Whenever you wonder if can dogs eat marshmallows,you must either talk to your vet or learn about the ingredients used. To be honest, yes, marshmallows can be bad for your dog’s health. They are high in sugar and do not have any nutritional value.
Dogs may develop too many health issues by eating too much sugar. It can cause gastrointestinal issues and make them sick. The sugar in marshmallows may also cause your dog’s blood sugar to spike, which can make them hyperactive.
Eating sugar regularly can have disastrous consequences for your dog’s teeth. Chewing too many sugary marshmallows is not good for the teeth, as it produces bacteria and erodes the tooth enamel. Some bacteria also cause plaque, calcification, or dental cavities.
Having too much sugar on a regular basis may also cause the development of diabetes. If your dog is already diabetic, it may worsen the situation. Marshmallows are also high in calories, which is bad if you are keeping your dog’s weight in check.
Xylitol poisoning is also one of the most crucial reasons for not allowing your dog to eat marshmallows. If marshmallows are not cut into smaller pieces and your dogs eat too much of them in one go, it may cause choking. It is wiser to keep those out of reach of your dog, no matter how hard it is.
People are always looking for new treats for their four-legged buddies. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to ignore their innocent faces and keep marshmallows away from them. Therefore, people keep asking if can dogs eat marshmallows. They definitely taste good, but is it worth it? Instead, you must treat your dogs with homemade, healthy treats that are both tasty and nutritious. Always remember to consult your veterinarian before introducing your dog to a new treat.
- Why do dogs like marshmallows?
Dogs tend to get attracted to something their humans are enjoying. Although they have a very little sense of taste, they might want to get a share of your marshmallows as they are sweet and enjoyable.
- Is it okay if my dog eats one marshmallow?
It is not recommended to give your dog even a bite of something that is potentially bad for their health. You must seek your vet’s advice for that.
- What if my dog accidentally eats too many marshmallows?
The first thing you should do is to go through the ingredients list. If it doesn’t contain Xylitol, wait for them to vomit. If the situation is not under control, call your vet.
- Which marshmallows are good for your dogs?
There is nothing like a homemade treat. Learn the recipe for a marshmallow and make them at home if your dogs like them so much.